Tuesday, October 6, 2009

FeELInGs Of WoBbLiNnEsS...

'My Out of Body Experience'

Just read some interesting blogs of a couple of students who were assigned to live outside of their skins for 2 weeks. Very tough i have to say. but they managed to do well, OK some of them. Would i be able to do that for two weeks. Be someone else in my own skin, well i don't know but maybe i Should try.

OH ya but i am doing it. I'm going to be carrying another human being inside me for another 5 months. Doesn't that fall under not being yourself for sometime? It's a scary experience but I'll enjoying mine. just wish the 9 months cold be over and i could see this little person.

Wish me luck for the coming 5 months with my 'out of body experience'.

Anita + 1

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